We provide practical support, checklists, and printables to make toddler life easier.
All children develop at different speeds and achieving all the toddler’s developmental milestones will look different for every child. The key factor to a toddler’s development and growth is the senses.
The more you develop their senses, the better they will develop. As a guide, you want to look out for the senses your toddler is developing and look for ways to further enhance his experiences and growth.
Between 32 and 36 months, you should expect your toddler’s Gross Motor Skills to include the ability to:
Between 32 and 36 months, you should expect your Toddler’s Fine Motor Skills to include the ability to:
You can further your toddler’s experience to develop his Gross and Fine Motor Skills by intentionally engaging in outdoor play, climbing play equipment, blowing bubbles, writing with chalk, and bouncing on a safe trampoline.
Jean Piaget explains that the cognitive milestones. This is such a crucial stage for your toddler to problem solve, think about what they are doing, and play imaginatively.
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